Analysis and treatment of 6 major causes of 8 soft stool States in cats

To understand the health status of a cat, we often observe its stool first. Ordinary soft stool, the cat can recover on its own. If the cat has diarrhea and other special circumstances, it needs targeted treatment. Can you distinguish and deal with different stool States, whether the cat is healthy or not?
- Overstress
Performance: soft and loose stools (excessive incontinence).
Causes: a new environment, a new cat in the house, etc.
Treatment: Place the cat’s favorite toys, feed the cat’s favorite snacks, and in serious cases, use Virbac Zenifel to help relieve the cat’s mood.
- Indigestion
Performance: Soft stool, loose stool, green stool (accompanied by vomiting reaction).
Causes: Food change is too urgent, the cat’s stomach is intolerant, and the cat eats too much and too urgently.
Treatment: Extend the period of suitable food for cats, eat fewer meals, and more frequently, and properly mix some probiotics to regulate the intestines and stomach. If the loose stool is serious, you can use Puainta antidiarrheal to stop diarrhea and use probiotics to regulate the intestines and stomach.
- Do not like to drink water
Performance: dry stool, sheep feces.
Causes: Cats drink less water.
Treatment: Give the cat water, canned cat, and cat strips in a large basin with a wide mouth.
- Caused by gastroenteritis
Performance: soft stool, loose stool, watery stool, bloody stool (often accompanied by vomiting reaction).
Causes: changes in diet, unclean food, etc.
Treatment: antidiarrheal (Puainta antidiarrheal), anti-inflammatory (amoxicillin), and stomach protection (omeprazole).
PS: Fasting, feeding a small amount of digestible food, and resuming normal diet (during which water is not prohibited) should be carried out according to the actual situation of cats with diarrhea so as to avoid increasing the burden on cats’ intestines and stomachs.
- Parasites
Performance: soft stool, watery stool, bloody stool, and worm stool.
Cause: Infected with nematodes, whipworms, Trichomonas, coccidia, etc.
Treatment: check diagnosis and targeted treatment, such as trichomonad, which can be fed with metronidazole.
- Viral infection
Performance: loose stool, watery stool, bloody stool (accompanied by high fever, vomiting, loss of appetite).
Causes: Feline plague, feline transmission, etc.
Treatment: Take the cat to see a doctor as soon as possible.
The above is purely personal experience sharing, and you can refer to it. It’s best not to use these, but if it works, it will save a cat’s life.